A newspaper, by the lay-man’s definition of the term is any piece of writing which tells us about the day-to-day happenings and events taking place in a very limited present. So a newspaper basically is a documentation of the news, written in an interesting manner. Therefore writing for newspapers is writing news for the general […]
Posted on 13 February 2015
A newspaper, by the lay-man’s definition of the term is any piece of writing which tells us about the day-to-day happenings and events taking place in a very limited present. So a newspaper basically is a documentation of the news, written in an interesting manner. Therefore writing for newspapers is writing news for the general […] Continue Reading
Posted on 06 February 2015
What is creativity? Is it about cosmic tattoos over body? Or is it about having your hairs grown long and tying them at back? or piercing your tongue or eyebrow with ornaments? No. None of these. These might be the by products of creativity, but real creativity lies in your mind. And believe it or […] Continue Reading
Posted on 30 January 2015
Lights, Camera, Action! Heard these terms before? These are for aspiring filmmakers. Considered as an art, producers and directors have well defined what film making is. Lot of technical aspects are involved. It’s a tiring task to make a film. Certain guidelines on film making may definitely result in good films and movies. Students just […] Continue Reading
Posted on 23 January 2015
Mobile Marketing is a type of marketing which is done using mobile services or in other words a ‘wireless medium of marketing’ in the form of an SMS (short message service) which is most commonly used and known to the people today. It may also be done by other ways on a mobile like an […] Continue Reading
Posted on 16 January 2015
Mumbai has a population of about 18 million people and is one of the most populated cities in the world. Bollywood is very similar to Hollywood. Aspiring models, singers, actors and actresses all come to Mumbai searching for their big break the same way people go to Hollywood search for success in the […] Continue Reading
Posted on 09 January 2015
Web advertisements are designed to create awareness and interest in a product and build a brand image. This medium requires good copywriting to sustain the interest of the surfers. These ads are focused on attracting attention which is possible only when the surfers retain interest. Internet can be advertiser’s best friend. Internet has revolutionized communication […] Continue Reading
Posted on 02 January 2015
A big decision in the life of any aspiring media professional is whether to choose the agency or the big corporate job. A comparison between these two more often than not, tilts in favour of the latter and not the former. The reason for this is more than apparent. A corporate job means a fat […] Continue Reading